Saturday, September 5, 2009

Internet Terms

Are you new to Internet Marketing? Are you confused by all the acronyms tossed around by the so-called gurus (Guys Using Reason Under Stress), who tell you you Tm Bill to have tmnet streamyx change USP? (What is that anyway? I thought it was UPS ?United Postal Service). When I first started in internet marking I spent a lot of time considering what that might be.

Ultimate Service Provided ?that sounds good

Understanding Successful Products ?yes, ipoh airport all need to do this

Using Secret Practices ?is that how the gurus make their money?

Unidentified Science Project ?oh wait, thats what I found in my fridge!!

Then I attended a teleseminar and found out that USP means ?Unique Selling Position.

What the heck? Here are all these guys saying, Copy me? Do what Im doing ?heck Ill even give you the website so you can? and Im supposed to have a Unique Selling Position? Thats going to require some thought.

Then there are more of these Mbps Speed and 4 letter terms being tossed around by people on the net. Take ISP. Is that my Independent Selling Position? My Ideal Selling Position? My Idealistic Sensitive Partner? No, that is the Internet Service Provider ?the one thats supposed to keep your business up and running and not screw up your email when they change servers without telling you! Good luck. Yes, this has happened to me and many others.

One of the first 4 letter terms you will come across is HTML. You see that everywhere. What could that mean?

Hot Tomatoe Makes Lunch, - well internet performance it is with bacon and lettuce and on brown toast, ok.

Hearty Tourists Modify Lifestyle ?this is good, Id like to modify my lifestyle and take some tours.

Helpful Tools Manufacturing Licence ?is that what they call Master Resell Licence?

No, its Tmnetcommy of these. It is the name for the programming language that your browser reads which it then translates into a page with text of different sizes and colours and adds pictures. If you look at the source code of a page without understanding HTML, you would have no idea what it is all about (trust me, Ive been there). Hyper Text Markup Language is what it is. You may never actually use it if you dont create your own web pages or if you use a special program to create your web page.

Now we see http all the time. It has something to do with finding the web page we want ?although if we use a search engine we dont have to actually type it in. It means Hyper Text (yep, same as HTML) Transfer Protocol, and if you see an S?after it ?https ?that means its secure. Following up on this is FTP ?think about it for a minute. Yes, it is File Transfer Protocol, or as I like to call it Frans Transfer Protocol?

Even computers have protocol. It is a standard for how information is exchanged between computers on the internet. Funny, isnt it? Theres a protocol for everything ?how people meet and conduct events and how the computers do it too.

Any ideas about PDF? How about Pretty Damn Fine? Thats how things turn out when you use it. Or Picture Data File or Pick Doctor Fran? No, none of these. Interestingly enough it stands for Page Description Dish Network Satellite Internet (I just learned the definition recently, although I have been using the term for quite some time.) It is a program that allows you to fix your data on a page so people cant move it around. Many e-books are in pdf format.

Now we come to URL.

Underprice Really Low?

Uncover Rat Location?

Understand Radio Logic?

Using Rogers Laptop?

Uncle Ralphs Letter?

Ubiquitous internet phone Logic?

No, youre right, its none of the above. It stands for Universal Resource Locator and it is a standard format for internet addresses that specifies a resource location. Many times when you are telling someone about a product or service theyll say, Whats the Url?? These people are internet savvy and they want to go to the website to see for themselves what you are talking about. Thats why more and more businesses are moving to create a presence on the world wide web. Thus we have Internet Marketing.

Why are there so many of us out here trying out the Internet Marketing business?

Some of us are in it to make a little extra cash. Were ok at our day jobs but wed like some extra money to be able to travel or buy some luxury items ?that new car, a larger house?/p>

Some of us are unemployed and having a little cash isnt a luxury ?its a necessity.

Some of us would like to work at home while our kids are small, or were tired of that daily commute.

Some of us would like to earn enough to quit our jobs and stay home to pursue hobbies or other activities.

One thing I have discovered is that there is no 5 star hotels kuala lumpur to the information out there. You can google?24 hours a day and still not find everything. There isnt time enough to read it all. You will note, however, that some names will crop up on a regular basis ?you know, when you get the 50 ?100 emails all promoting M.F.s new product, or J.R.s new package or Z.Z.s products. These are the people you should observe. See who is doing what you want to do ?You have decided havent you?? ?and then read and read and read before you get started on your website. Oh yes, you need to have your own website and a domain, but thats a whole other article.

What is your reason? What brings you here? Are you looking for answers? Are you looking to hone your skills? Are you looking for a great product thats going to take you over the top? Are you looking for easy money? (Keep looking) Are you wondering where to start? Drop me a line and I will give you some tips on getting started.

Fran Watson has been working for the past 20 years in the employment field. She has developed a number of employment related resources as well as writing poetry and short stories and getting involved in internet marketing. You can find out more about Fran by checking out her webpage at

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